Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reading Diary A: Russian Folktales

The Dead Mother was a very depressing story. A mother dies giving birth to a child, but then comes back as a ghost feeding the baby every night. The baby cries all day long and is soothed by the dead mother at night. The husband sees this and then finds that the baby is dead. What I find most interesting about this is that someone chose to write about this topic. Who would want to write about this? I think its someone trying to express their pain they have experienced. That's what I find most intriguing. I hope, whether the story is true or not, that individual who wrote this has found peace in some way. 

Friday had a happier ending thank goodness. A mother did not honor Mother Friday resulting in a consequence. Mother Friday came into the mother's house and filled her eyes with dust to where she couldn't see. The mother then passed out and woke up in shock. She cried out to Mother Friday for a pardon and Mother Friday cleared her eyes. I chuckled a little bit reading this because it seems like someone got in trouble with their mother! That's what's most interesting to me! How even a story about filling someone's eyes with dust can be frightening if your mother is involved in the punishment. If mom isn't happy, no one is happy. 

Both stories were polar opposites, but I think held great value. It is amazing what people will write about. I especially wonder what inspired many of the writings. 

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