When it comes to curation, there are many different avenues one can take. You could simply make a folder on your desktop to stay organized or you could use a system already in place like dropbox.
For years I was not very tech savvy on a computer when it came to curation. I literally would save all of my work as a document in word and that would be it. Each time I would have to spend an abundance of time just looking for my desired document. Now, things have changed.
I use a plethora of bookmarks that have storage systems within them. Now, on my computer I just go to settings and then click bookmark this page. It should not be terribly difficult to figure out. If you have trouble google it.
One of my bookmark storage bins contains the system dropbox.com. I love drop box because it is free, extremely easy to navigate, and you can instantly share your work with other by clicking share. I keep videos, papers, powerpoints, etc. on there. Typically, I keep everything on a hard drive. If the hard drive breaks though, you are done. So, dropbox acts as a safety net for all of my work.
Another system I use is icloud storage. Now, it costs to use this system. I use it often though because I edit videos quite frequently and can use much of the software that they offer. So, if you want something a little more advanced than dropbox that literally allows more curation, check it out. There are people on the icloud system constantly sharing new tips with each other.
The best way to pass the word along in this class about systems like these are social media that most of us use. There is nothing I like more than to be looking through Twitter or Facebook and find a helpful video or link that someone else posted. Also, the people who post this stuff tend to make the information more fun. I believe wholeheartedly that most people our age would rather watch a video about a topic than read about it. So, my only suggestion for us as a class would be to not be afraid to get social. Leave your Twiiter name on one of these posts or look up people you might know in the class roster and start messaging them about these systems. This will create great communication.
Here is my dropbox site with all of its labels if you are interested to see what its like. Dropbox
I am not very tech savvy either, but I have used folders for my school work. I like to keep things as organized as I can. I did not think about iCloud storage being a curation system but you are right that it is. I pay the extra a month to make sure that I do not lose any of my pictures or other information.