Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reading Diary B: Gospel of Mark Unit

(Jesus and Disciples, by Duccio di Buoninsegna)

As I read The Teachings of Jesus, things became more interesting. First he started with lessons like the first shall be last and the last shall be first. He means that those who serve themselves more, but ignore others throughout their day who might need their attention must become more selfless. I absolutely agree and am guilty of being first for sure at times. What really caught my attention, was when Jesus went from explaining stories like that to saying things like it is better to cut off your right hand than let it offend you. Why the change all of a sudden? I think maybe it was to intensify the teachings and really get them through to his people. Also, the way they talked back then was entirely different than how we speak today. I don't think he means to literally cut off your hand. So, this made me take a good note to make sure that anything I write, even though I am sure all vernacular in each time period is understood well, will be easily understood. 

The next couple stories that caught my attention dealt with The Last Supper, The Arrest, and Peter's Denial. The thing that boggles my mind the mot about this story is Judas's betrayal of Jesus. Jesus, the one who loved Judas more than anything, gave Judas everything he needed and it still was not enough. Also, Jesus predicted that Peter would deny him three times. Peter did in fact deny him three times. What makes these stories captivating is the relationship the disciples have with Jesus before everything tumbles down. The writers of this story, although I'm sure were sad, wrote it very well. They captured the essence of what makes stories entertaining, humans and their struggle to live in peace with one another. I believe this is why we still have these teachings today. These men believed in their cause and many others have also. Now, we have Christianity because of a message passed down. Think about how powerful words are now when you write anything.  

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